Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Playing out at last - Fibonacci Drone Organ does a gig!

It's been nearly 17 months since the author of this blog did a gig. That is a long time and longest time without live action for decades. To coincide with the one year to the day anniversary of getting back to Sweden, your trusty scribe donned his Fibonacci Drone Organ mask of drone and set out for the wilds of Östgötaland, somewhere near to the village of Varv for a fine limited attendance festival curated by the very lovely Ola Ilstedt, someone I met at the fine record shop/performance space Larry's Corner in Stockholm in mid-January 2020 just before the Covid restrictions started happening. As FDO and with Scaramanga Six lead vocalist Paul Morricone, I was due to play at Ola's 50th birthday do in Stockholm in April 2020, but of course that didn't happen as we were both stuck in the UK under lockdown. 

Ola contacted me in June 2021 to ask if I would come and play at his festival. He had previously enthused at how the reverberant qualities of the audio on the CD he bought at Larry's Corner had worked so well inside his summer cottage (lots of Swedes have them) and wondered if I could do an outdoor set? I was very happy to do so and the festival was great fun and a real community atmosphere. Many many thanks to Ola and all who made it happen, it was a really fun time :-). 

Here's some pictures I took on my crap phone.....