Thursday, 11 October 2012

touseg maro tape review in Vibrations

Those lovely people in Vibrations' Magazine (see side link on this very blog) have had a listen to touseg maro's debut LP. Here are their words of wisdom -

In defining ‘Noise’ are we in effect making it something else other than ‘Noise’? Possibly, and  the limited information and visual clues that accompany touseg maro’s latest 4 track EP - a single photo of a primitive burial (?) site don’t offer much help taking this premise forward.

‘Penn ar bed’ is Breton for ‘end of the earth’ – a geographical reference to the rugged Brittany Peninsular. But another reference point for me is Japan and Hiroshi Hashegawa’s Astro project – the tracks here are all underpinned by a similar single shrill insectoid high frequency wave. But although each track here makes use of the same sonic raw materials; interjections of muffled cyclical percussion, otherworldly death echoes, naked flame ignitions and metallic washes, the intensity progresses from the haunting minimalistic opener ‘c’hwec’h’ to the apocalyptical harshness of closing track ‘Seizh’ – a wash of staggered pulses, static clatter and haphazard mic interference.


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